MoaTrek Guide Interview with Marilyn - SoundCloud Graphic

NZ Travel Podcast - West Coast Travel Tips

29 Oct 2019

MoaTrek Kiwi Guide Marilyn (known as "M" to her many friends and guests) has been guiding on the West Coast of the South Island since 2005, in this audio interview she chats with Andrew about her favourite places, people and experiences on the Coast. Marilyn guides travellers through the West Coast on the MoaTrek Kea 7 Day Small Group West Coast tour.

The full interview is just under an hour and you can listen by clicking here on the SoundCloud file below. There's also a full transcript of the interview on this page below and we've inserted the pictures into the page at the appropriate spot so you can see what they're talking about.

MoaTrek Kiwi Guide Marilyn at Lake Wanaka
29 Oct 2019
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